Before executing a project, it is necessary to establish the cost, time & quality of the project. The cost depends upon how big the project is and how much time is being invested to complete it. Some factors to be taken into consideration before starting a project are Using fresh document or customizing the template., Using new stylesheet or standard style sheet., Need to scrounge for information, Producing user guides (longer) or help topics (shorter), Deliver the project whole or in parts, Knowledge of content development tool, Graphics knowledge, Content Type. Project Planning - Write a Project Plan. Project Scope Project Breakdown Structure - Project Flow Diagram, The Schedule Plan Summary
Project implementation means carrying out the activities that has been planned. It is the phase where visions & plans become a reality.It is a logical conclusion, after evaluating, deciding, visioning and planning. Objectives of Implementation : Putting the action plan into operation. Achieving tangible change and improvements. risk & Conflict management . Managing Scope, time, cost, risk, quality, project organisation, human resources, communications and procurement. Planning: Managing the project team, Managing stakeholders, Managing change, Project reporting, Good communications, Project Records
Project documentation is used to define the way we manage projects and the governance surrounding them. There are certain guidelines that has to be followed depending on the risk level. For low level risk, the goal will be to communicate and document the essence of the project, primarily for informational purposes, both within the University and to outside stakeholders. For medium level risk, projects should be more detailed than for low-risk projects and the level of detail should be commensurate with the complexity of the project in any case. For high level risk, projects should provide all of the information required to initiate, plan, execute, monitor, and complete the project in a timely and cost-effective manner. Advantages of Project Documentation: Determine What Others Need to Know., Determine the Proper Method and Style, Determine a Process for Updates, Consider Other Benefits and Applications,